Asbarez: ARS Western U.S. Elects New Regional Executive

Participants of the 98th ARS Western Regional Convention

The Armenian Relief Society Western United States held its 98th Regional Convention from July 8 to 10 at the Armenian Sisters’ Academy in Glendale with the participation of 59 elected delegates from 19 Western U.S. chapters, said a statement form the convention.

Also participating in the meeting were ARS Central Executive chair, Nyree Derderian and other members Maral Matossian and Arusiak Melkonian, as well as members of the outgoing Regional Executive and guests.

The outgoing Regional Executive chair Sylva Poladian opened the meeting, calling for the observance of a moment of silence in memory of all the heroes who gave their lives during the 44-Day War. A message form Western Prelate Bishop Torkom Donoyan, as well as the day’s blessing were offered by Very Rev. Smpad Saboundjian.

Derderian, the Central Executive chair, welcomed the convention participants on behalf the ARS’ highest administrative body and offered her gratitude to all ARS members who supported and advance the organization’s activities and efforts, always elevating the ARS’ motto of “With the People and For the People.”

After the election of the convention chairs and secretaries, the meeting spent the ensuing three days hearing the report of the outgoing Regional Executive, and assessing the activities of the organization, based on which resolutions were adopted, laying the groundwork for the incoming Regional Executive. The convention also discussed the current state of the needs in the community, as well as the organization’s role in addressing critical relief concerns in Armenia, Artsakh, Javakhk, Syria and Lebanon.

The convention made a special mention of the ARS Social Service centers and their activities, headed by Talar Aintablian, as well as psychological counseling center, headed by Dr. Ida Karayan. The convention also commended ARS Regional office Executive Director Jasik Jarahian for her continued and unwavering efforts.

The convention specifically addressed the ARS Central Executive’s project to install solar panels in Artsakh to provide electricity and hot water to the residents there. Encouraged by the scope of the project the ARS chapters and individuals members made on the spot donations totaling $85,000. The Regional Executive offered a matching contribution of $15,000 rounding out the figure to $100,000. A portion of the contributions will also be allocated to the ARS Sosseh Kindergartens in Ashan and Akanabert, which the Western U.S. Regional Executive sponsors, in addition to the facility in Stepanakert.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the delegates elected a new Regional Executive, which will serve until 2024, comprised of the following members:

Vicky Marashlian, Chairperson
Jarmen Mirzakhanian, Vice-Chairperson
Maral Manokian, Secretary
Christine Khanjian, Treasurer; and
Emma Garabedian, Shoushan Tashjian, Seda Khojayan, Haigo Barsamian and Anoush Chalian as advisors.