Categories: 2022

Draft Strategy of Judicial and Legal Reforms for 2022-2026 discussed at Government

Draft Strategy of Judicial and Legal Reforms for 2022-2026 discussed at Government




YEREVAN, JULY 19, ARMENPRESS. Chaired by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, a consultation took place, during which the draft Strategy of Judicial and Legal Reforms for 2022-2026 was discussed, ARMENPRESS was infomred from the Office of the Prime Minister. 

It was reported that the strategy development works started back in October of last year, and the measures envisaged by the draft are presented with a concrete timetable and measurable indicators. The draft has already been discussed with non-governmental organizations and international partners.

It was noted that the adoption of the strategy stems from the Government's Action Plan. The draft consists of 12 strategic objectives. The planned reforms in the fields of the judicial system, advocacy, Compulsory Enforcement Service, notary sphere, and the process of creating the arbitration center were presented at the consultation in detail.

The draft strategy envisages reforms in the field of e-justice, particularly in the direction of digitalization of processes and document circulation. Reference was also made to the planned reforms in the bankruptcy procedure, criminal, civil, electoral and constitutional spheres and their goals.

The participants of the cosnultation exchanged ideas, various observations and suggestions were presented.

Prime Minister Pashinyan highlighted the adoption of the strategy and stressed that reforms in the judicial and legal spheres are one of the Government's priorities and the Executive will be consistent in their effective implementation.

Alex Jidarian: