Categories: 2022

Newspaper: Many Armenia judges to boycott their general meeting

Armenia –

YEREVAN. – Zhoghovurd newspaper of the Republic of Armenia (RA) writes: There is confusion again in the judicial system of Armenia. According to the information received by Zhoghovurd daily, many judges have decided to boycott and not go to the judges’ meeting to be held on July 27.

And what has upset the third branch of Armenia’s power, the judiciary?

According to the information we have received, the results of the elections of the [new] judges to the anticorruption chamber of the RA Court of Cassation as well as the [new] judges to the Court of Cassation by the National Assembly have greatly upset the latter. In addition, many judges were angered by the way of working by the judges who upheld the arrest of [film] producer Armen Grigoryan, when they sat quietly and watched how the man sealed his death in the courtroom. Moreover, some of the judges stated that they are on vacation and will not be present at the [aforesaid] meeting.

The meeting called for July 27 will probably not take place due to the lack of a quorum.

Let us note that (…) the purpose of the meeting is to elect new members to the [several] vacant seats of the SJC [(Supreme Judicial Council)] members.

Lara Chatinian: