Armenpress: Representatives of Iran’s Spiritual Leader repeated Khamenei’s statements regarding the Armenian-Iranian border

Representatives of Iran's Spiritual Leader repeated Khamenei's statements regarding the Armenian-Iranian border




YEREVAN, JULY 22, ARMENPRESS. The representatives of the Spiritual Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran in different regions of the country repeated the statements of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei regarding the Armenian-Iranian border, ARMENPRESS reports, citing Iranian media.

In particular, according to "IRNA" news agency, Tehran's Friday prayer Imam Mohammad Hossein Abdutorabifard said: "At the meeting with the President of Turkey, the Spiritual Leader also touched on the communication path between Armenia and Iran. Iran is very sensitive to regional changes and will not allow damage to the road that is thousands of years old and is one of the factors of strength, security and peace of the peoples of the region."

Mohammad Ali Ale Hashem, the representative of the Spiritual Leader in Eastern Atropatene and Friday Prayer Imam of Tabriz, said: "Iran will never tolerate any step that will lead to the blocking of the border between Iran and Armenia. Iran will resist it because it is a thousand-year-old communication route."

Allahnur Kyarimitabar, the representative of the spiritual leader in Ilam province and the Friday Prayer Imam in the city of Ilam, said: "During the visit of the presidents of Turkey and Russia, the issue of the Armenian-Iranian border was also emphasized. They should never think that they can threaten the thousand-year global highway and create an obstacle for Iran."

The Imams of Friday Prayers in other regions of Iran also repeated or mentioned Khamenei's statement in the same way.

On July 19, Iran's Spiritual Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei received Turkish President Recep Erdogan, who arrived in Tehran for a tripartite meeting with the presidents of Iran and Russia, stressing that the Islamic Republic of Iran will oppose the policy of blocking the border between Iran and Armenia. In the meeting with the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, Iran's Supreme Spiritual Leader also emphasized that Iran will not tolerate the policies and programs that lead to the closing of the border between Iran and Armenia.