Azerbaijan identifies 2908 people killed in 44-day war
Armenia –

The identities of 2908 people killed in the 44-day war (aggression against Artsakh and Armenia from 27 September to 9 November, 2020) have been established in Azerbaijan, Azerbaijani Military Prosecutor's Office reported.

This was announced by military prosecutor  Khanlar Veliyev at a meeting of the Collegiate Military Prosecutor's Office on the results of the first half of 2022, reported.

He noted that as a result of operational and investigative activities, urgent investigative actions, numerous examinations, as well as the regular work of search teams in this direction, military prosecutors together with the staff of the Ministry of Interior and State Security Service have so far managed to identify 2908 people who died in the 44-day war, and identify missing servicemen and transfer their bodies to the families. According to him, investigative measures continue in order to establish the whereabouts of six missing servicemen.