Ishkhan Saghatelyan: Opposition to go back to parliament in September with its agenda

Armenia –

Opposition lawmakers will go back to the Armenian parliament in September only with their agenda, ARF Armenia Chair and opposition Hayastan bloc MP Ishkhan Saghatelyan told Yerkir Media on Friday.

He insists the agenda of the ruling Civil Contract faction MPs does not serve the interests of the Armenian people, while all opposition initiatives have been boycotted by the parliament majority.

"There is a parliamentary and political crisis in the country and if they try to strip opposition deputies of their seats illegally, in violation of the Constitution, it will also lead to a full-fledged constitutional crisis,” Saghatelyan said, warning against attempts to blackmail the opposition.

He claims their boycott of parliament sessions are justified. "It is thanks to the resistance movement that the authorities’ rhetoric regarding Artsakh has changed, but it cannot yet be considered an achievement yet. At this point, the resistance movement is at the stage of organizational work and will gain new impetus in September,” the opposition leader said.