Local government denies reports of Armenian shepherds’ capture by Turks

Armenia –

The regional administration of Aragatsotn Province has denied reports on the capture of Armenian shepherds by Turkish servicemen in the village of Aragatsavan near the Armenia-Turkey border late on Thursday.

168.am media outlet reported that three armed Turks entered the village, captured eight Armenian shepherds and seized their cattle.

They were reportedly released with the help of Russian border guards some time later.

The news site said the shepherds had accidentally crossed the border with Turkey, which sparked tensions with the Turks.

"The news spread by 168.am is false. Not a single Turk has entered Aragatsavan and not a single shepherd has been captured,” the Aragatsotn regional administration said in a statement.

“It’s not ruled out that the false alarm may have been an insidious and unwise act by someone or a group of people. We urge the media not to spread false news which has not been confirmed officially, especially if it concerns the safety of our compatriots,” reads the statement.