Categories: 2022

Newspaper: Ball is in Armenia ruling force MPs’ court

Armenia – July 19 2022

YEREVAN. – Hraparak daily of Armenia writes: On July 22, the NA [(National Assembly)] Council shall convene the second special session by force of law to continue the process of stripping the opposition members of their [parliamentary] mandates.

The first [respective] discussion initiated by the [ruling majority] CC [Civil Contract Faction of the NA] did not take place on July 14, as the opposition members had not come to the session. The law sets a one-week period for them to convene a meeting again; and if they do not come again, the matter will be discussed without the opposition.

It is already known that the NA Council will not accept such a decision, but the CC radical wing, as we can see, can petition [to the Constitutional Court in this regard]; we are talking about 20-23 MPs.

However, it seems that the [aforesaid] MPs will not petition either, as they are afraid of the sanctions of the international organizations, which have insinuated that they will accept such a decision as a political persecution of the opposition.

Rose Khoyetsian: