WFP Armenia Country Brief, June 2022

In Numbers

  • 24,700 people assisted in June 2022

  • 74 mt of food assistance distributed

  • US$1.5 m six months (July-December 2022) net funding requirements

Operational Updates

  • In June, WFP provided nutritious hot meals to 13,800 children in 89 schools of Armavir province. In addition, 295 kitchen helpers and cooks (equal to 1,475 beneficiaries, with family members) received in-kind assistance in compensation for their engagement in the provision of school meals.

  • Food assistance was provided to primary grade school children from Nagorno Karabakh enrolled in schools of Armavir and Kotayk provinces. In total, 183 children in Kotayk province and 282 children (equal to 2,325 beneficiaries, with family members) in Armavir province received support.

  • In cooperation with the Social and Industrial Food Service Institute and local authorities, two donor coordination meetings were organised in Armavir and Kotayk provinces to mobilize resources for the renovation of schools’ kitchen and canteen infrastructure for the transition into the National Cashbased School Feeding programme.

  • WFP is scaling up the wholegrain wheat value chain to ensure increased production and consumption of the healthy alternative to white bread. Currently, wholegrain wheat has been integrated into the school meals of 7,100 children in Tavush province; and will be also provided for children in Lori province in the future.
    WFP was awarded with a Stop Hunger Grant to scale up this approach to an additional province.

  • In partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization, WFP has successfully been awarded with an SDG Grant to scale up food value chain programming in Syunik province. Agricultural production is the main source of income and has great potential for poverty alleviation through investment in actors along food value chains, contributing to the enhancement of national food security. Building up the socio-economic resilience is fundamental to strengthening food and nutrition security in Armenia, at the household, community, and national levels, particularly due to the current price shocks on food.

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