Why would those who slaughtered the elderly steal cattle and kidnap shepherds?

Armenia –

SOCIETY 14:00 22/07/2022 ARMENIA

Finally, the public armies are mixed up. After Thursday’s media reports and the denial of the Aragatsotn regional administration that "… the news is absolutely false. Not a single Turk has entered Aragatsan and not a single shepherd has been captured", the public became united and again divided in a new way, this time not into groups of Nikol’s supporters and detractors.

According to the regional administration, the shepherds accidently crossed into the neutral zone between the Armenia-Azerbaijani border, which is controlled not by Armenian border troops, but by the Russians. The latter closed the gates, the shepherds remained in the neutral zone until the gates were opened to let them back into the homeland.

The public reactions were something like:

1. What have we come to? The Turks have now reached Aragatsotn.

2. Aren't you ashamed of yourself for writing something like this? How could a Turk enter Armenia and capture a shepherd?

It reminds me of a joke: an old man is walking down the street, shuffling in a strange way, and two students are following him and discussing: one says he has rheumatism, the other insists on arthritis. They make a bet and approach the old man:

– Tell me something: I insist that you have rheumatism, but my friend says you have arthritis.

– You're both wrong: I had a stomachache and didn't have time to …

The possibility of the Turks’ incursion into Armenia cannot be ruled out, as they have already invaded and advanced deep into Armenian territory amid the whining of the authorities. Cases of kidnapping people and seizing their cattle have also been recorded. Why shouldn't you believe it?

Look at what they have done to Syunik. The Azerbaijani flag is installed at the Kapan airport, while the same people accompanied by "Russian peacekeepers" enter supermarkets to do shopping.

"But what can you do?" say the residents.

Well, you are right, there is nothing we can do.

So, why should not we believe that it has happened again? How can we be sure of it? By the following logic: "Why would those who slaughtered the elderly steal cattle and kidnap shepherds?"

P.S. The photo above shows Azerbaijanis gunning down Armenian civilians during the recent war. Look for footage of beheadings of Armenian prisoners on the TikTok pages of the Azerbaijanis, should you have forgotten about them. 

By Anahit Voskanyan