Categories: 2022

Turkey ‘making the most’ of clash between two poles, Armenian expert says

Armenia –

Turkologist Varuzhan Geghamyan has commented on the UN-backed grain deal signed by Russia and Ukraine in Istanbul on Friday. The agreement aims to unblock grain exports from Black Sea ports.

“It can be considered an important diplomatic achievement for Turkey, because now, in response to the West’s pressure to join the Russia sanctions, Ankara has an opportunity to play the mediator card, saying ‘if not us, who can negotiate with the Russians?’,” he wrote on Facebook on Saturday.

“Having properly assessed its geographical and geopolitical position, Turkey is making the most of the clash between the two poles, discreetly promoting its own interests in the entire Greater Middle East – from Syria to the Caucasus and Central Asia.

“However, it should be remembered that despite the external and not so substantial differences, Turkey's foreign policy essentially coincides with the interests of the West, because Ankara's influence in these areas is increasing mainly at the expense of Russia,” the expert said.

Janet Ekmekjian: