Categories: 2022

Artsakh is my source of inspiration- Anna Astvatsaturian Turcotte in homeland to get acquainted with assistance programs



 09:53, 18 July 2022

YEREVAN, JULY 18, ARMENPRESS. American-Armenian writer, philanthropist, activist Anna Astvatsaturian Turcotte, the President of the Westbrook City Council, visited Armenia not only for getting acquainted with the process of social programs being implemented at her initiative, but also to get the passport of Armenia as she has received an Armenian citizenship.

“I applied a year ago, I was looking forward to this day. I was told that I have to personally visit the Department of Passport and Visa of the Police of Armenia for getting my passport. And now I am here to get my passport, which is a very important event for me”, she said in an interview to ARMENPRESS.

Anna Astvatsaturian Turcotte is also in Armenia to get acquainted with the programs being implemented by the Anna Astvatsaturian Foundation, as well as to get to know what kind of assistance programs are needed in Armenia and Artsakh. For this purpose she plans to visit Talin, Gyumri, Khndzoresk, Goris, as well as Artsakh.

On June 1 the Foundation launched “Ser Artsakh” charity program. The program is implemented by the efforts of Armenians living in Diaspora and Armenia. Within the framework of the program, families of around 200 children born in Artsakh have been provided with gift-boxes.

“It was reported from Artsakh that the number of births has greatly increased after the war. Before that we were discussing how to help families and decided to give a gift-box to family of a new-born baby, which consists of 25 pieces, involving clothes, medical and care items for a mother and a child, toys, books, etc. After the war our compatriots continue living in Artsakh, having children, which is very important. And we should help mothers. I am a mother myself and I understand very well how difficult it is in the beginning. Therefore, we decided to provide gift-boxes with necessary items”, she said.

During her upcoming visit to Artsakh, Anna Astvatsaturian Turcotte plans to visit the babies and their parents. After that, meetings with local authorities are scheduled.

“Our compatriots participate in the program financially, but the items of the box are purchased or ordered in the homeland and provided to the families of new-born babies in Artsakh. The purpose is to circulate the funds here and help our compatriots in Artsakh. I would like to note that the items in the gift-boxes are on a good quality, mothers also approved them. Most of our compatriots of the Diaspora have also liked that products, even some of them wished to get them”, she said.

As for the meetings expected in Artsakh, she said that it is important in terms of obtaining information. She said that Diaspora lacks information about Artsakh. They have no information on what is happening in Artsakh and what will happen then.

“Now I am trying to understand what are the developments in order to present them in the Diaspora. Many people there wait until the situation in Artsakh is clarified and then to provide support. Of course, we understand that the most important is the security of Artsakh. Without it it’s impossible to help develop the economy, build houses, develop business and implement educational programs. I am trying to explain that even if there is unstable situation, Armenians live there and need support, as new generation is being born. People living there deserve more”, she said, adding that she understands very well what it means to be a refugee, lose a homeland and everything because years ago, living in Baku, she and her family passed through similar challenges. Anna Astvatsaturian Turcotte is one of the witnesses of Armenian pogroms in Azerbaijan.

Asked what is her message to the residents of Artsakh as a person who faced such difficulties, Anna Astvatsaturian Turcotte stated: “I am conveying the most important thing: to help each other in any situation. We in Armenia think that someone abroad will see, will understand our pain and will help. But my message is that we should find that path on our own, by helping each other. Communication with them is very important for me. Artsakh and its people are a source of inspiration for me. When I visit Artsakh, I get a lot of energy, new ideas arise. Now it’s important for us to ensure the continuation of “Ser Artsakh” program. The more people are aware of the program, the more supporters it will have”.


Interview by Anna Gziryan

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS