Categories: 2022

Change of power in Armenia ruled out now – Stepan Danielyan

Armenia – July 18 2022
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo. A change of power in Armenia is ruled out at the present stage. It is only possible in case a new political force is formed that would be able to establish  horizontal relations with the incumbent authorities, political  scientist Stepan Danielyan said in an interview with ArmInfo. 

"The parliamentary opposition is splintered. The Armenia and With  Honor factions have disagreements over a number of issues. Parties  holding diametrically opposite views of the domestic political  situation are in the opposition camp as well. Among other things,  various control centers within the opposition are assessing the  situation in various ways, implementing different policies," Mr  Danielyan said. 

In this context, he does not rule out some events in, for example,  the Armenia-Turkey normalization process could happen the opposition  is not ready to assume the responsibility for. So it is waiting until  the incumbent authorities themselves complete the processes, after  which the opposition will started working to change power in Armenia. 

The opposition will not restrict itself to rallies and street act of  disobedience. And the street actions must never become an end in  itself. It is the opposition's political agenda and goals that are  much more important. Without that the opposition will not resolve the  problem of power by holding rallies alone. 

"I do not think Armenia has domestic political life now, to saying  nothing of rivaling ideas or anything like that. The same, however,  cannot be said of foreign policy. Serious processes are now going on  round our country, which accounts for Armenia's further steps forced  on our state. And thee actual refusal of the Civil Contract faction  to unseat the opposition MPs is most probably is the result of  western influence – for the simple reason that such drastic steps  could be perceived as anti-democratic ones," Mr Danielyan said. 

Aram Torosian: