Categories: 2022

Armenia Police special forces seize Security Dream company computers

Armenia –

A little while ago, officers from the Armenia Police special forces seized the computers from the office of the Security Dream private company and took them with them.

A few hours ago, these police officers had come to the aforesaid office and started carrying out some operations there.

Masked special police forces did not allow reporters to come near the Security Dream office.

At the July 14 Cabinet session of the Armenian government, it was decided to establish the “Police Video Photo Recording Electronic Systems Management Center” state non-profit organization (SNOC). And Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has announced that with this decision, the era of Security Dream was coming to an end.

Security Dream was recording—through speed detectors and video cameras installed on the streets—the traffic violations in Armenia. According to Pashinyan, this function will now be implemented by the newly created aforesaid SNOC, and the fines collected from these violations will be entered into the state budget.

Hagop Kamalian: