Azerbaijani leader most likely to unleash new war after achieving necessary geopolitical, military balance – Vardan Voskanyan

Armenia –
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo. After achieving the necessary geopolitical and military balance that would inspire confidence in victory, Ilham Aliyev immediately unleash a new war  against Armenia, Vardan Voskanyan, Professor at Yerevan State  University, said in an interview with ArmInfo. 

"The Absheron Peninsula dictator is seeking excuses for a new war  now. And he will find them sooner or later. So we have nothing to do  but prepare for it as well. It is clear that even after we satisfy  Aliyev's voracious appetite we will not avert that war. Present-day  Aliyev only confirms the proverb 'Appetite comes with eating', which  would be adequately perceived," Mr Voskanyan said. 

In analyzing the regional problems and forecasting further scenarios  one should consider the most important global transformation.  According to Mr Voskanyan, the unipolar world has come to its end,  with an entirely new world order, with several poles, in the making. 

Iran is one of the regional powers playing an all-important role and  performing specific functions in the surrounding region. And Turkey  is a similar nation in the Greater Middle East. In this context, none  of the political processes involving hostile Turkey and friendly  Russia and Iran must remain in Armenia's sight and be analyzed by  Armenia. 

Mr Voskanyan considers the recent Russian-Iranian-Turkish  presidential meeting in Tehran in this context.  The Artsakh problem  was the focus of the three leaders' attention. And seeking a solution  to the problem is part of the 3+3 format with thee three nations'  involvement, he said.