Categories: 2022

Armenia plans to begin production of satellites

  • JAMnews
  • Yerevan

Satellite production in Armenia

The Armenian government plans to launch production of space satellites in Armenia, Minister of High-Tech Industry Robert Khachatryan states.

Two months ago, the Armenian authorities announced the launch of the first Armenian satellite into space. Now the minister has added that the government has other “ambitious goals”.

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Work on production has reportedly already begun. At the moment, negotiations are underway with the major partner, Spanish firm Satlantis, but the government has said it is open to “new cooperation.”

At the end of May 2022, the first Armenian satellite was sent into space through the cooperation of the Armenian state-owned CJSC Geocosmos and Satlantis.

Satlantis was founded in the USA in 2013, a year after which the head office relocated to Spain.

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This statement was made by the Minister of High-Tech Industry, adding:

“It is a terrestrial remote-sensing satellite.”

According to Robert Khachatryan, at this stage the country is exploring further possibilities of development:

“During the Soviet era, there were certain opportunities in Armenia [for the development of the industry]. We can say things are still possible. We have both good ideas and specialists whose knowledge can be used very effectively.”

The Minister did not specify how much money would be required to complete the project. He said only that “various models are being discussed, including the possibility of cooperation between the public and private sectors.”

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While not divulging details, the minister maintained that other space-related projects are in the works. He did, however, say that a second satellite would be launched in the near future.

In addition, Robert Khachatryan said that work is underway on a control center and receiving station for the first satellite. Equipment supply and specialist training have already begun, and the project should be completed by the end of the year, he said.

On May 26, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan announced that the first Armenian satellite had been launched into space, and that the country was entering the “era of space activities”:

“Satellite photographs will be used for monitoring the national border, preventing emergencies, managing and protecting the environment, including monitoring climate change; as well as in urban planning, road construction, geology and other areas.”

The prime minister also said that by the end of 2023, a satellite control center and a receiving station would be established.

Lilit Nahapetian: