Categories: 2022

Armenpress: EU countries seek deal on weakened plan to cut winter gas use

EU countries seek deal on weakened plan to cut winter gas use




YEREVAN, JULY 26, ARMENPRESS. European Union countries are set to approve a weakened emergency EU proposal to curb their gas demand on Tuesday, with opt-outs allowing them to follow different national paths to prepare for Russian supply cuts, Reuters reports.

Europe faces a further gas squeeze this week, after Russian’s Gazprom said it would again slash flows through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline. With a dozen EU countries already facing reduced Russian supplies, Brussels has warned that a full cut-off is likely – and is urging countries to prepare by saving gas and storing it for winter.

The European Commission last week proposed emergency rules requiring each country to cut its gas use by 15% from August to March. The target would be voluntary, but the Commission could make it binding in a supply emergency.

However, the plan has faced resistance from a range of governments and countries have redrafted it to include exemptions for numerous countries and industries.

Tambiyan Samvel: