Avetik Chalabyan is released

Armenia –

Political and public figure Avetik Chalabyan was released from Armavir penitentiary institution.

Chalabyan thanked all those present, the family members who supported him all this time, as well as the team of lawyers and media representatives.

"I want to thank all my like-minded people. We all, in fact, joined the fight for our homeland, for our ideals, for the realization of our aspirations, it just so happened that I was the victim this time, had to pay with my freedom. But I think that this is just a small episode on the panorama of a much bigger struggle, a struggle for which other people have lost their lives and their health. So I consider my small sacrifice as only a little crumb on the altar of my homeland," he said.

Recall that Avetik Chalabyan is accused of attempting to financially interest students to participate in opposition rallies.