Categories: 2022

Forecast: The war in Ukraine will lead to a redistribution of the zones of influence of global centers of power

Armenia –
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo. The war in Ukraine will eventually lead to a redistribution of the zones of influence of global centers of power. It is also possible to forecast significant  transformations in the weight of these geopolitical actors. Professor  of Political Science at YSU Faculty of International Relations Garik  Keryan expressed a similar opinion to ArmInfo.

The professor, in particular, forecasts the expansion of the zones of  influence of the conditional pole of the United States and Great  Britain due to the reduction of influence of the European Union,  moreover, the dependence of the latter on them. Keryan explained his  forecast about the likelihood of Brussels losing its own weight and  influence in world politics by the huge financial losses of the EU as  a result of the sanctions applied against the Russian Federation.  Which, in his opinion, directly leads the EU to an energy crisis.

"Against the background of the prospects for a significant reduction  in the production of any energy- intensive products in the EU, the  current hegemony of Germany and France on the continent is being  questioned and begins to fluctuate. At the same time, strengthening  the possibilities for expansion into the European market of the  United States and Canada. Not to mention the strengthening of the  competitive positions of China, Japan, India, Brazil and Turkey.  This, in turn, is explained either by their refusal to join the  anti-Russian sanctions, or by their too little participation in this  process," he emphasized.

Keryan largely links Russia's prospects to the final results of the  Ukrainian war and China's policy, which is still maneuvering between  the US and the Russian Federation, which the professor explains as  huge costs for Beijing in the event of an aggravation of relations  with the USA and the problem of Taiwan.  "One way or another, today  it seems possible to forecast gradual new transformations in the US  hegemony that replaced the bipolar world as a result of the end of  the Cold War. And the losses that the EU bears from all this  processes make the UK's timely withdrawal from the European Union  quite understandable," summed up Keryan. 

Bedik Zaminian: