Russian Foreign Ministry comments on situation around Mikayel Badalyan
Armenia –

We are closely watching the unfolding situation in Armenia. Russian Foreign Ministry deputy director of department and press Ivan Nechaev said this when asked if Moscow thinks the Armenian authorities are persecuting pro-Russian activists in view of the situation around Mikayel Badalyan and the untimely death of producer Armen Grigoryan in the courtroom.

"We are sincerely interested in ensuring that our allied country develops in a stable and predictable manner in an atmosphere of peaceful and national harmony. All issues of inner-political life should be solved exclusively in the legal and constitutional framework within the framework of appropriate democratic procedures and, of course, without resorting to violence.

We welcome the call by a number of public and political figures in brotherly Armenia, among whom stands out Mika Badalyan, to develop and deepen our relations with Russia as a priority. We will continue to follow his case, as well as maintain close contacts with all responsible political forces in our friendly country. We are interested in the consolidation of the Armenian society, which would take into account the interests of all its groups. We attach great importance to further deepening of allied relations between Moscow and Yerevan, which is reflected in the joint statement adopted by the leaders of Russia and Armenia on April 19, 2022. At the request of Yerevan, Russia is ready to assist in solving problems facing the republic, including expert participation in the reforms of its system of state administration.

Recall that Mikayel Badalyan, head of the Azatagrum movement, was actively involved in the disobedience actions of the Resistance Movement. He was arrested on May 24 and charged with giving false information about terrorism. On July 18 his arrest was extended for another 20 days.

Last Friday,  Badalyan's health condition rapidly deteriorated and he was taken to the Republican Hospital.

As previously reported, producer Armen Grigoryan died on July 15 during a court session. He had been kept under arrest since May 17 of this year, despite numerous signals that he had health problems which were incompatible with the conditions of his detention.

Armen Grigoryan was charged under Part 2 of Article 226 of the Criminal Code of Armenia for statements in an interview, where he called half of the residents of Shirak and the Ararat Valley "Turks". We should also remind that international organizations have repeatedly criticized the criminalization of insult by the current Armenian authorities.