Azerbaijan constantly reminds Armenia that war is not over, MP says

Armenia – July 29 2022

MP Tigran Abrahamyan of the opposition Pativ Unem bloc says Azerbaijan’s recent increased ceasefire violations in Artsakh and on the border with Armenia are attributed to a number of factors.

“In the post-war period, the parties are forming new borderlines, which implies a race for gaining favorable positions,” he wrote on Facebook on Friday.

“By and large, immediately after the war Azerbaijan, taking advantage of the political connivance and silence of the Armenian authorities, has solved its main task, gaining tactical and strategic advantage at the key points. There are some areas where the positional struggle is still going on, which is marked by changes in the situation,” the MP said.

Abrahamyan insists that Azerbaijan is using its positional advantage and constantly reminding the Armenian authorities that in case of non-compliance with their promises and agreements it will resort to force again.

“Due to the so-called seasonal nature of engineering work, the activity on the frontline has increased, which inevitably leads to various escalations,” he said.

“Azerbaijan views any movement of the Armenian troops, from internal redeployments to infrastructure changes on the border, as an attempt of revenge and shows that it is ready to stop it at any cost.

“Azerbaijan constantly reminds us that the war is not over, its ambitions are far from being met, and regardless of the Armenian authorities’ conciliatory policy, the pressure will continue, while the demands put forward to them will expand,” the lawmaker charged.