Cabinet approves 2030 Education Development Program bill



 12:19, 28 July 2022

YEREVAN, JULY 28, ARMENPRESS. The Cabinet approved the 2030 Education Development Program bill.

The last time an education development program was adopted was in 2011, and it is imperative to stipulate the conceptual provisions of human capital development – recognized as a priority by the government – in the document, according to Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport Artur Martirosyan.

“…financial means directed to education aren’t expenses, but rather necessary investments for the development of the state and the society,” he said. “The center of the program is the person, and revealing the capabilities of the person.”

The final goal of the program is to develop a competitive educational system.

The three strategic directions are defined as: development of a universal inclusive active-learning educational environment across Armenia, increasing effectiveness of education and internationalization and export of education services.

“Not a single child will be left out of the compulsory education system,” Martirosyan said.

The bill will be presented to parliament soon.