HayPost issues two stamps dedicated to Armenian films and cartoons

Public Radio of Armenia
Armenia – July 29 2022

Armenia’s postal operator HayPost has been put into circulation a new souvenir sheet with one stamp dedicated to the theme “Armenian Films” and one new postage stamp dedicated to the theme “Children’s Philately. Armenian Cartoons”

The postage stamp of the souvenir sheet dedicated to Armenian films with the nominal value of 800 AMD depicts the fragment from the Armenian film “A bride from the North” directed by Nerses Hovhannisyan. The film hit the screens in 1975.

The souvenir sheet depicts the film’s heroes, its director Nerses Hovhannisyan and a fragment from the film.

The souvenir sheet also depicts the inscriptions “A Bride from the North” and “ARMENIAN FILMS” in Armenian and English.

Date of issue: July 28, 2022
Designer: Rem Saakyan
Printing house: Cartor, France
Stamp size: 40,0 x 30,0 mm
S/sheet size: 90,0 x 60,0 mm
Print run: 10 000 pcs

The postage stamp dedicated to Armenian cartoons with the nominal value of 200 AMD depicts fragment from the Armenian cartoon “Vin the Penguin” (director – Stepan Andranikyan), which was screened in 1972.

The bottom part of the postage stamp depicts the inscription “Vin the Penguin” in Armenian and English languages.

Date of issue: July 29, 2022
Designer: Rem Saakyan
Printing house: Cartor, France
Size: 40,0 x 30,0 mm
Stamps per sheet: 10 pcs
Print run: 15 000 pcs