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Latest Azeri aggression stems from two demands issued to Armenian authorities, MP says

Armenia – Aug 2 2022

MP Tigran Abrahamyan of the opposition Pativ Unem faction claims Azerbaijan’s latest military aggression against Artsakh is attributed to two demands it has issued to the Armenian authorities, threatening to use force if Armenia fails to comply with them.

“The first demand concerns the presence of the Armenian military on the territory of Artsakh, which the Armenian Security Council secretary referred to in a statement issued recently,” Abrahamyan wrote on Facebook on Tuesday.

After the 44-day war, no conscripts were drafted from Armenia to Artsakh and the last conscripted soldiers will be discharged by the end of August.

“From September there will be no servicemen holding Armenian citizenship in Artsakh and, in fact, the Azerbaijani demand will lose its relevance,” the deputy said.

“The second issue which remains high on Azerbaijan’s agenda is the opening of a corridor to Nakhichevan through Armenian territory. It is no coincidence that the Azerbaijani president says if the Armenian authorities do not fulfill this demand, they will reconsider their approach to the corridor connecting Armenia and Artsakh.

“Aliyev goes even further, saying that the Lachin corridor should have the same status as the corridor envisaged for Armenia.

“Simply put, if Armenia does not provide a corridor, but rather a road with an Armenian checkpoint on it, Azerbaijan threatens to set up a checkpoint on the Lachin corridor,” Abrahamyan stated.

Azerbaijani forces began attacking the Artsakh army positions in the country’s north and northwest on Monday morning. The Artsakh troops thwarted all Azerbaijani attempts to cross the line of contact, the Defense Ministry said.

The situation on the contact line remained tense as of Tuesday morning.

Samvel Nahapetian: