Congressional Armenian Caucus leaders condemn Azerbaijan’s latest attempt to ethnically cleanse Artsakh’s indigenous Armenians

Public Radio of Armenia
Aug 4 2022

Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Jackie Speier (D-CA) called on the Biden Administration to press Azerbaijan to end its most recent attacks on Artsakh’s Lachin corridor connecting Armenia and Artsakh – assaults that killed two Artsakh defense army soldiers and injured over nineteen, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

In a tweet issued just hours after Azerbaijan’s attacks, Rep. Pallone noted “this is the latest example of Aliyev threatening the people of Artsakh over absurd demands like the closing of the Lachin corridor. I urge the @StateDept and @USOSCE to condemn these actions and use every diplomatic tool available to halt Aliyev’s dangerous actions.”  

Rep. Speier concurred, tweeting, “Aliyev will only stop his bloody drone strike campaign against the people of Artsakh if/when the U.S. shows leadership & strength. Pull all U.S. assistance to Azerbaijan immediately until it comes to the negotiating table.”  

ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian issued a live call to action on the ANCA’s Facebook and Twitter platforms urging supporters of Artsakh freedom to call the White House and urge President Biden to enforce U.S. sanctions on Azerbaijan and stop sending U.S. military arms and aid to the brutal Aliyev regime.  Hamparian argued that U.S. taxpayers should not be funding Azerbaijan’s aggression against Artsakh’s indigenous Armenian population.  Hamparian also urged advocates to write their Senators and Representative by visiting to unequivocally condemn Azerbaijan’s attack, stop military aid to Azerbaijan, and expand life-saving humanitarian assistance to Artsakh. 

“To be clear, the Azerbaijani army that is today ethnically cleansing Artsakh – launching rockets and drone strikes against its indigenous Christian Armenian population –  is getting U.S. military aid,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. “These are our tax dollars – materially strengthening Azerbaijan’s military and morally emboldening the Aliyev regime. We are committed – as Americans and Armenians – to see this reckless program ended, Azerbaijani war crimes investigated, and Ilham Aliyev and his regime held to account.”