RPA: ‘By surrendering Artsakh, we won’t live’ approach a guarantee for Armenian people’s security

Armenia – Aug 5 2022

The Executive Body of the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) on Friday released a statement on the latest Azerbaijani attack on Artsakh, again rejecting the Armenian authorities’ “peace agenda” as “empty manipulation”.

The party denounced the ruling team’s foreign policy as “adventurous and treacherous”.

“It is reprehensible that all the mediation efforts made by the Russian Federation, the European Union and other international actors have failed to stabilize the situation in Artsakh and Armenia, prevent hostilities and neutralize threats to civilians as a result of the incompetence of the current leadership. It is doubly reprehensible that the Armenian people are not well informed about the behind-the-scenes agreements made behind their backs by the capitulant head of the Armenian government and his team,” the RPA said.

“International actors praising Armenia's "democratic reforms" have no desire to contain Azerbaijan’s aggression, while the unclear relationship with the strategic ally that began after the 2018 seizure of power has contributed and is contributing to the situation.

“The issue of the Berdzor corridor, which the latest Azerbaijani violence is attributed to, is yet another evidence of the Armenian authorities' reckless and treacherous policy. Under the trilateral statement of November 9, the sides agreed to design a new road passing through the Berdzor corridor within 3 years, and did not undertake to build a route outside this corridor,” the statement said.

The RPA states the “criminal inaction” to restore the combat readiness of the Armenian army, the rejection of Armenia’s status as a guarantor of Artsakh's security and the steps to disarm Artsakh amid the bellicose actions and rhetoric of Azerbaijan are an “obvious manifestation of a defeatist policy.”

“The insidious view "let's surrender Artsakh in order to live well" has led to a new series of losses, once again confirming that the "by surrendering Artsakh, we won't live" approach is, in fact, a guarantee for the Armenian people's security.

“The Republican Party of Armenia expresses its condolences to the families and friends of the deceased soldiers and wishes speedy recovery to those injured in the recent fighting.

“The only way out of the current situation is the immediate resignation of the current government, which would make it possible to negate all the promises made behind the back of the Armenian people and to restart the negotiation process, confirming the foreign policy agenda of Armenia with its strategic ally and partners,” the statement added.