View from Moscow: Azerbaijan`s actions in Karabakh are part of a larger project

Armenia – Aug 4 2022
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo.All of Azerbaijan's latest actions in Nagorno-Karabakh are part of a larger project. By escalating tension, Baku is trying to finally close the Armenian  issue with all its components, and get a land, direct connection with  Turkey and move on to Turan. Viktor Nadein- Raevsky, Researcher of  the Institute of World Economy and  International Relations (IMEMO)  Turkologist, said in an interview with ArmInfo. 

"Against the background of such goals, Azerbaijan, of course, is  making every possible effort to achieve fundamental provisions for  itself in the direction of the settlement of the Karabakh conflict.  And against this background, the Yerevan's "theses about the era of  peace", seem, to put it mildly, not very realistic.  Moreover, we see  that today in the world such issues, unfortunately, are resolved  precisely by military means. Against this background, Armenia's  position seems to be incomplete," he said.

According to the expert, the very difficult situation in Ukraine, now  around Taiwan, affects other most problematic and complex regions of  the Middle East, Europe and, of course, the South Caucasus, giving  increased dynamics to geopolitical impulses in these regions. Against  such a "military" general background, Nadein-Raevsky considers  Moscow's more or less successful management of Ankara's policy  through almost constant negotiations an achievement.

According to him, against the background of the current search for  new positions in the transforming world in the conditions of the  global "military" stage of resolving issues, Baku, in conjunction  with Ankara, is working to promote programs towards the  implementation of the long-standing project of Great Turan. And this  process has already entered an active phase.

"And here it is important to recall that it was Armenia that has  always been an obstacle to the implementation of this project. And  today Turkey and Azerbaijan are logically trying to take advantage of  the truly exceptional opportunities that have opened up after the  44-day war to level this obstacle. Baku's intransigent attitude in  relations with Armenia, among other things, comes from here and, of  course, is primarily based on Turkish support, which, in turn, is  connected with Azerbaijan by common, far-reaching plans, the  Turkologist summed up