Armenpress: German MEP draws Borrell’s attention to the un-constructive behavior of Azerbaijan

German MEP draws Borrell’s attention to the un-constructive behavior of Azerbaijan



 21:10, 9 August 2022

YEREVAN, AUGUST 9, ARMENPRESS. Member of the European Parliament representing Germany, permanent member of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence, Lars Patrick Berg, addressed a question to EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell regarding the escalation of the situation in Nagorno Karabakh. ARMENPRESS reports, citing European Neighbourhood Monitor, a number of other MEPs joint the question.

“While the world’s attention is on Russia’s criminal invasion of Ukraine, the situation in Nagorno‑Karabakh is deteriorating.

Azerbaijani troops attacked the village of Parukh on 24 March 2022 and violated the ceasefire on 28 May 2022, fatally wounding one Armenian soldier.

This happened one day after a crude statement from Azerbaijan’s President, Ilham Aliyev, who depicted the use of force as an attempt to enforce international law, claiming that the Nagorno‑Karabakh conflict has been completely solved, making demands over the sovereign territory of Armenia and using harsh words, saying that ‘the Nazis in Armenia’ ‘should sit down and not look our way if they do not want their heads to be crushed again’.

These actions and statements openly go against the provisions of the ceasefire agreement of November 2020, as well as the spirit of the statement made after the trilateral meeting between Armenia, Azerbaijan and the EU in Brussels on 22 May 2022.

We would therefore like to ask the Vice‑President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy what concrete steps the European External Action Service is taking to prevent a recrudescence of the hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh and to continue a constructive dialogue between the parties”, reads the question.

In response, Josep Borrell said that the EU is deeply concerned by the recent incidents between Armenia and Azerbaijan and the possibility of further escalation. The Commission regrets the loss of life.

“The EU takes a positive approach to the continuation of the trilateral talks led by the President of the European Council with the Armenian Prime Minister and the Azerbaijani President. These efforts have already produced numerous results, but a peace process is never without difficulties. The EU's goal remains to contribute to a comprehensive agreement for lasting peace and security in the region.

The High Representative/Vice President has been in regular contact with Armenia and Azerbaijan since the outbreak of hostilities. The EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the Conflict in Georgia has been involved in the preparation of the trilateral meetings and has followed up on the ground on the implementation of the agreements reached between the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan, most recently in early June 2022. On May 31, 2022, the Spokesperson for the President of the European Council issued a statement reiterating the need for a fair and balanced negotiation process and the need to prepare the population for peace. The President of the European Council also addressed both heads of state and government in early July 2022 regarding the recent sharp statements that are not conducive to the nature and spirit of the talks and expressed the EU's readiness to convene the next round of trilateral talks in Brussels”, reads the answer of EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell.