Categories: 2022

Armenia`s ex-FM calls on Armenia`s FM, Security Council Sec to resign

Armenia – Aug 9 2022
Alexandr Avanesov

ArmInfo. Armenian Premier Nikol Pashinyan's family considers political and material values to be much more important than national interests, Raffi Hovhannisian,  Chairman of the Heritge party and former FM, told reporters on  Tuesday. 

Just a few days ago, the secretary of Armenia's Security Council and  Armenia's foreign minister stated that Armenia's authorities rejected  Azerbaijan's demand for evacuation of the Berdzor and Aghavno  residents.  That was official Yerevan's position. However, a few days  later, one person decided against that, Mr Hovhannisian said,  recalling that earlier, without the Constitutional Court's decision  or ratification by Armenia's Parliament, the same person surrendered  Sanasar and the Goris-Kapan highway, part of Armenia's sovereign  territory, to the enemy, under a verbal agreement. The territories in  question are not mentioned in the Armenian-Azerbaijani-Russian  statement. 

"Given the situation, the secretary of the Security Council and  Armenia's foreign minister must resign – if, of course, they have  self-respect," Mr Hovhannisian said. 

Armenia has no supreme commander-in-chief any longer, and the  mechanisms of ensuring Artsakh's security by official Yerevan are not  actually working. Armenia is not any longer the rear of Artsakh, and  all the actions by Armenia's authorities suggest they consent to  Nagorno-Karabakh remaining part of Azerbaijan. And from now on Baku  will be in control of energy and gas supply to Artsakh, and the  country itself will be blockaded. 

"We have seen that the lower status for Artsakh actually means, and  we ourselves are involved in the process. At one time, due to  tremendous efforts, we could open 'a lifeline' between Armenia and  Artsakh.  and now, 30 years later, we are closing it," Mr  Hovhannisian said. 

The Artsakh authorities called on the Berdzor and Aghavno residents  to leave their homes before August 25. In response, the Berdzor  residents blocked the road to the Lachin corridor, demanding security  guarantees in their home town. Armenia's Minister of Territorial  Administration Gnel Sanosyan stated earlier that the construction of  an alternative highway will be completed next spring.

Arbi Tashjian: