Categories: 2022

At what phase is Lachin corridor alternative motorway construction on Armenian side?

Armenia – Aug 12 2022

People will have to travel along the 4.5km section of the Lachin (Berdzor) corridor’s alternative motorway on the Armenian side by a dirt road until the spring—until the Armenian side finishes its construction.

Mher Hambardzumyan, Head of the Road Construction Policy Department of the Ministry of Urban Development of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), said on Artsakh Public TV that although the aforesaid section is a dirt road now, it will be passable for any type of vehicle.

The State Agency of Azerbaijan Automobile Roads had announced Thursday that the construction of the new motorway connecting Armenia to the Artsakh capital Stepanakert has been completed on the Azerbaijani side.

Also 149.5m long and 13.5m wide bridge was built.

The total length of this motorway is 32 kilometers, of which 10 kilometers are in the territory of Armenia.

Azerbaijan had started the construction of its section on July 2021, and announced its completion a year later.

The newly constructed alternative motorway will be more than 11 meters wide and 21 meters long.

On the Armenian side, the construction equipment started working a few days ago.

Earlier, secretary of the Security Council of Artsakh, Vitaly Balasanyan, had traveled on the new route and got acquainted with the construction of the new motorway.

Edgar Tavakalian: