Categories: 2022

Will residents of Aganus village, which was transferred to Azerbaijan, return to their lands?

Armenia – Aug 12 2022

The residents of Aganus village are skeptical that their village, handed over to Azerbaijan after the 44-day war, can be returned to the Armenian side.

And about the possible transfer of Aganus under Artsakh's control, Artsakh Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Hayk Khanumyan said the other day. "The territory of Aganus community returns to the corridor, goes out of Azerbaijani control, but everything there has been looted and burned since the first war and until 2020," Khanumyan told Armenpress.

The Artsakh village of Aganus came under Azerbaijani control a few days after the end of the 44-day war, on December 1. The village had 102 residents who were evacuated during the war. Most of them settled in Armenia. The residents of Aganus learned from the media that the village could once again come under Artsakh's control.

The head of the aforementioned Karabakh village Artak Abrahamyan has already had time to talk to his fellow villagers about this issue. According to him, the fellow villagers believe that it is too early to talk about it. "How reliable is the information that Aganus will remain Armenian? Today Azerbaijan is only deporting Artsakh people. It's still too early to talk about the return of the residents to Aganus, I just can't imagine how an Armenian and an Azerbaijani can live next to each other?   Residents from 1994 until the 44-day war were deceived, and no one is going back at the moment, because people think about creating their own corner at least in Armenia," Abrahamyan said.

Aganus was inhabited at the end of 1994. According to the head of the community, up to 300 families lived in the village in different years, but during the 44-day war there were only 13 families, with 102 residents. Abrahamyan assures that not a single house in their village was burned down, but during the war, when the residents were evacuated, they were looted.

Albert Nalbandian: