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195th anniversary of Battle of Oshakan marked in Armenia

Armenia – Aug 17 2022

The battle between Persian army and Russian detachment which included Armenian volunteers took place on August 17, 1827 and ended with the defeat of the Persian side.


Maxim Seleznyev, Charge d’Affaires of Russia in Armenia, first expressed condolences regarding the tragedy that happened in Yerevan on August 14.


“On this day of mourning, on behalf of the Embassy of the Russian Federation, I would like to express my condolences to the families of the victims and wish the survivors soonest recovery. I also want to thank the rescuers and volunteers who work selflessly at the site of the tragedy.


It has been 195 years since the Battle of Oshakan ended here. Paying tribute to the heroes of this battle, we first of all remember the Russian General Afanasy Krasovsky, the courage of Russian officers, soldiers and Armenian volunteers who gave their lives to save the Armenian shrine. I think that besides having a historical context, this also became evidence of how two fraternal peoples can defend common values,” the diplomat said.


The event was attended by the Vice-Governor of the Armavir region Artak Avetisyan, Mayor of Etchmiadzin Diana Gasparyan, Commander of the Armenian-Russian Joint Group of Units Lieutenant-General Tigran Parvanyan, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Alfred Kocharyan, representatives of the Armenian Apostolic and Russian Orthodox churches.


The Vice-Governor of the Armavir region Artak Avetisyan noted in his speech:


“Because of the exploits of the Armenian and Russian soldiers, the troops managed to save Etchmiadzin from the enemy. The Battle of Oshakan was crucial for the people of Armenia, because as a result of this battle, Eastern Armenia was liberated from Persian rule and joined Russia.”

Talar Tumanian: