Artsakh opposition deputies to meet with Russian peacekeepers leadership
Armenia – Aug 18 2022

Opposition parties represented in Artsakh parliament, Justice, ARFD and Democratic Party of Artsakh applied to the heads of Russian peacekeeping forces deployed in Artsakh with the request to meet and get comments on the statement made by the advisor-consul of the Russian Federation in Armenia Maxim Seleznyov.

Russian peacekeepers' leadership is ready to meet and comment on this statement in the coming days.

Earlier Seleznyov said that Russian peacekeepers will not move an inch from the current Lachin corridor, until the new road is used.

The high-ranking diplomat stressed that there are agreements on this matter and the parties are in direct contact, without explaining what agreements and between whom exactly they are talking about.

"Russian peacekeepers will move only when the new Lachin corridor is opened. The trilateral statement (of November 9, 2020) spelled out the steps, the sequence of steps: first the corridor is completed, before it comes into effect, Russian peacekeepers occupy a five-kilometer corridor around this road," Seleznyov said.

"Russian peacekeepers will not occupy the new corridor until it is operational, and there are agreements on this. The parties are in direct contact, and I assure you, the peacekeepers will not move an inch until the new corridor is in place," Maxim Seleznyov said.