Categories: 2022

Ambassador KD Dewal flags off Indo- Armenia Bicycle Expedition

Aug 19 2022

Ambassador KD Dewal recently flagged off the Indo- Armenia Bicycle Expedition .This 1000 KMS expedition by Aakash Pannu and Kshitij Sao, Indian students of Yerevan State Medical University, is dedicated to Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, IndiaAt75, the 30th anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between India and Armenia and the 100th Anniversary of the establishment of YSMU.

Ambassador KD Dewal also joined the students for a few kilometers on the bicycle to motivate and support the students.

“We left on the 11th of July; we had 12 days to complete the trip. We intended to visit every major city in Armenia from north to south, from lake Arpi in the north to Tatev monastery in the south. The trip was supposed to be about 1000 km according to the distance calculated through the internet, but it happened to be over 1200 km according to our odometers. We begin planning for the trip about 3 months before the departure, everything from emergency supplies to food prep to medications, and the schedule of our travel was well planned”, stated Aakash Pannu and Kshitij Sao who are 6th-year medical students in the General Medicine faculty at Yerevan State medical university participants.

"We commenced our journey from the from the Yerevan state medical university’s administrative building and we were honoured by the company of His excellency the ambassador of India to Armenia and Georgia Mr. K.D. Dewal for our first ride. Honorable vice rector of our university{ Yerevan State medical university after Mkhitar Heratsi} Dr. Y.S.Sahakyan, Honorable dean madam Dr. G.Avetisyan, vice dean Dr. K.Margaryan and Head of department for International students’ affairs Dr. Rahul A. Sethi showed us the green flag" they further added.

The aim of the expedition is to promote friendship and mutual understanding between the two countries.


Lilit Nahapetian: