Categories: 2022

Newspaper: What does Armenia PM think about assets of his deputy chief of staff?

Armenia – Aug 20 2022

YEREVAN. – Zhoghovurd newspaper of the Republic of Armenia (RA) writes: (…) back on July 20, Zhoghovurd daily turned to RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and asked him about the assets of Bagrat Badalyan, Deputy Chief of Staff of RA Prime Minister, and his wife.

The latter, let's remind, bought a house in the US city of Marysville for 584 thousand 950 [US] dollars in May 2021. In this regard we had asked Nikol Pashinyan if he is aware that his deputy chief of staff, in parallel with serving in a public position, has engaged in business activities. Also, we had asked whether buying a house for 584 thousand 950 dollars is a vivid example of corruption.

Also, we had asked the Prime Minister whether or not he is going to fire Badalyan.

It is interesting that, instead of answering our questions personally, Pashinyan sent the letter to Bagrat Badalyan himself, and the latter wrote in self-defense: "In response to your inquiry, I inform that I am not engaged in business, I have handed it over to fiduciary management, in accordance with the legislation, which is also noted in my declaration [of assets]."

But we were not interested in Badalyan's justification, but in the question of whether or not the case is an example of corruption, and most importantly, whether the prime minister intends to dismiss the person who got rich in suspicious ways. In any case, we have sent the request again.

Kajoyan Gevork: