Categories: 2022

What will establishment of checkpoint on Armenian-Azerbaijani border mean? Expert’s explanation

Armenia – Aug 19 2022

The establishment of a checkpoint on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border does not mean that Azerbaijani citizens can enter Armenia and vice versa, as there is no visa regime between the two countries, the well-known cartographer Rouben Galichian told NEWS.am.

At the same time, the expert did not rule out that some civil vehicles may be ordered to enter the country.

The NSC introduced a new project on opening checkpoints on the state border. The decision stems from the need to ensure the implementation of the instructions given by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan at the August 4 meeting of the Armenian government.

The draft also says that within two weeks after the decision enters into force, the director of the National Security Service should ensure the adoption of a legal act regulating the security related to the movement of people, goods and vehicles through the checkpoints.

It is proposed to establish the crossing points of the state border of Armenia as follows: "on the Armenian-Azerbaijani state border – sections Sotk (Kelbajar), Yeraskh (Sadarak), Carahunge (Eyvazli)."

The expert reminded that the only direction out of all those mentioned, where there is a checkpoint (on the Azerbaijani side), is Carahunge (Eyvazli).

"A situation has developed in which Armenian citizens cannot enter the Azerbaijani-controlled sections of the Goris-Kapan road, while Azerbaijanis can enter Armenian territories impartially and uncontrollably. The Armenian side should have long ago set up its checkpoints there and prohibit Azerbaijanis to enter Armenia, just like the authorities in Baku do," Galichian said.

He recalled the Azeri obstacles for the Iranian trucks on the Goris-Kapan road segments under Baku's control.

According to his assessment, the Karaunj section is the least important for Azerbaijan and has nothing to do with Nakhchivan.

"If Azerbaijanis are ever given the opportunity to travel through Armenian territory to Nakhichevan, checkpoints should be set up at the entrance to and exit from Armenia. And unblocking would be a regime in which Azerbaijan opens its road in Nakhichevan for Armenian vehicles to Iran. What if we open our roads for Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan does not open it for us? What will we do then?" Galichian wondered.

Baku can achieve what it wants and then not allow Armenian citizens to use the road.

"In order to avoid such a scenario, the process must be asymmetrical and one-time. All this has nothing to do with the corridor. Besides, to give a corridor means to transfer the territory of Armenia to Azerbaijan. According to the Constitution, this can happen only as a result of a referendum. Besides, such a decision will cut Armenia off from Iran and create serious problems for us. And it is unacceptable for Iran," the expert concluded.

Vanyan Gary: