Brussels` efforts in no way in competition or against other actors in Nagorno-Karabakh peace process – Andrea Wiktorin

Armenia – Aug 22 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. The EU welcomes all efforts to achieve normalization between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and we are in favor of a comprehensive settlement of all conflict-related  issues, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Armenia,  Ambassador Andrea Wiktorin said in an interview with ARMENPRESS. 

"First of all, the EU is interested in reconciliation and a  sustainable solution.  We regret every incident that happened. It is  important to ensure that a proper environment is in place to  guarantee progress in the several areas you mentioned. In this  context, I have to say that more needs to be done to achieve the  return of remaining prisoners, ensure progress in the area of  demining as well as the search for missing persons. The EU strongly  supports the ongoing and future talks on the border issues,  unblocking of communication links in the region, peace treaty and  reconciliation efforts. Since the end of the 2020 war, we have been  engaged at the highest level by President Michel to contribute, in  addition to other efforts that exist, in the normalization of the  Armenian-Azerbaijani relations. Our objective is to see successes in  all these areas," she said. 

"The position of the EU has been quite clear before and also during  the war that we are in full support of the efforts of the OSCE Minsk  Group led process. It was really the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs, who  were in the lead. Yes, you are right that the European Union has  undertaken a more active stance now and plays a visible role at the  highest possible level, by President Michel, as well as in regular  consultations and visits of the EU Special Representative for the  South Caucasus and the Crisis in Georgia Toivo Klaar. He was here  again on 13 and 14 July. Therefore, we are in very regular contacts,  President Michel is personally engaged. These efforts are in no way  in competition or against other actors; I need to underline this as  we see many speculations on the matter. We need to speak about  complementarity, not competition," Ambassador Wiktorin said. 

"The three trilateral meetings, which took place in December in  Brussels, in April, and on May 22, were all meant to support a  sustainable solution. At the same time, and I think it's also  appreciated by the leaders, Toivo Klaar, the EU Special  Representative initiated high level meetings also hosted in Brussels  between the Secretary of the National Security Council of Armenia  Armen Grigoryan and Hikmet Hajiyev, Advisor of President of  Azerbaijan Aliyev. These high-level interventions, the quality of  exchanges are the contribution we can make and EU is really committed  to continue our efforts in these formats. Naturally, we listen to  what the two countries want. But I repeat again – it is not a  competition; it is complementarity with other efforts. We welcomed  direct contact that happened on 16 July in Tbilisi. EU welcomes the  direct communication that was established between the two foreign  ministers. I think all these elements come together, and there are  efforts to find sustainable solution between the two countries," she  added. 

  "The European Union is a strong supporter of normalization processes.  There were public statements underlining that we support the  initiative of direct discussions between Armenia and Turkey. We hope  that this will lead to normalization. The phone call between Prime  Minister of Armenia Pashinyan and President of Turkey Erdogan was an  important step forward. For years the EU has been active and  supporting the normalization process between Armenia and Turkey. We  want to see progress, because we think that it is for the benefit of  the people and will open more opportunities," Ms Wikrtorin said as  she spoke of Armenia-Turkey normalization.