EU says wants progress in Armenia–Turkey rapprochement

Armenia – Aug 22 2022

PanARMENIAN.Net - The European Union wants to see progress in the normalization process between Armenia and Turkey, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Armenia, Ambassador Andrea Wiktorin has said, according to Armenpress.

"The European Union is a strong supporter of normalization processes. There were public statements underlining that we support the initiative of direct discussions between Armenia and Turkey," Wiktorin said.

"We hope that this will lead to normalization. The phone call between Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan and President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan was an important step forward."

The ambassador said the EU has been active and supporting the normalization process between Armenia and Turkey for years.

"We want to see progress, because we think that it is for the benefit of the people and will open more opportunities," she added.

Armenia and Turkey last December named special envoys to discuss the normalization of ties. Four rounds of talks followed on January 14, February 24, May 3 and July 1.