Categories: 2022

Poll: 32.8% of respondents in Armenia would not participate in parliamentary elections if they were held next Sunday

Armenia – Aug 22 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. Only 12% of respondents in Armenia after 2020 visited Artsakh. This is evidenced by the results of the "Rule and Order" survey of the MPG consulting  company.

Thus, to the question of when you visited Artsakh, only 12% of the  respondents answered that they visited Artsakh after the large-scale  aggression of the Azerbaijani-Turkish tandem against Artsakh. 55.8%  of respondents said that they were in Artsakh before the 2020 war.

When asked how you feel about the conversation between RA Prime  Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan,  and congratulating the latter on a religious holiday, 9.4% of  respondents answered definitely positive, 21.8% – rather positively,  9.8% – rather negatively, 34.6% – definitely negatively, another  24.5% of the respondents found it difficult to answer.

At the same time, 53.4% of those polled are convinced that there are  no political prisoners in Armenia today, and 46.6% believe that there  are.  

At the same time, 73.1% of the respondents were informed about the  lawsuit around the film director Armen Grigoryan. 26.9% were not  informed. And only 11.6% of the respondents blame the acting  authorities of the Republic of Armenia for the death of Grigoryan,  6.4% of the respondents blame the judiciary, 45.7%  of the  respondents believe that no one is to blame and he had health  problems. 4.6% gave a different answer, another 35.9% found it  difficult to answer.  

At the same time, when asked whether, in your opinion, the opposition  factions should return to parliament in September, 11.4% of  respondents said unequivocally yes, 14.7% – rather yes, 11.1% rather  no, 31.4% – rather no, 31.2% – found it difficult to answer. At the  same time, when asked if there were elections next Sunday for which  bloc or political force you would vote, 16% of respondents mentioned  Nikol Pashinyan's "Civil Contract", 5.1% – Robert Kocharyan's  "Hayastan" bloc, 2.7% "I have honor" bloc of Serzh Sargsyan, 2.3% -  Gagik Tsarukyan's "Prosperous Armenia" party. 4.5% stated that they  will not vote for anyone, 12.1% refused to answer, 15.6% found it  difficult to answer, 32.8% noted that they would not participate in  the elections.

It should be noted that the survey was conducted through telephone  calls to residents of the Republic of Armenia in the period from June  30 to August 5 this year, the sample size was 1005 people, the  sampling error was +/- 3%.  In 2011, MPG became the official  representative of the Gallup International Association in Armenia,  one of the most prestigious and independent public opinion research  organizations in the world. Since 2003, MPG, working in the  sociological and marketing research market, has implemented more than  800 projects of various sizes.

Emma Nadirian: