Karabakh parliamentarian talks about meeting with peacekeepers and accuses Pashinyan of verbal agreements

Armenia – Aug 24 2022

The leaders of the five parliamentary forces of Artsakh met with the commanders of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, today.

The reason for the meeting was the recent statement of the Russian ambassador-advisor in Armenia Maxim Seleznev, as well as another ceasefire violation by Azerbaijan and security issues that arose in early August.

During the meeting Russian peacekeepers gave explanations on the above-mentioned issues. In particular, referring to the trilateral statement of November 9, 2020, it was noted that the new route will have the legal status of the same corridor and all the security components will be preserved, starting from the security zone of 5 kilometers and ending with the stationing of the checkpoints of the Russian peacekeeping forces.

Touching upon the latest events the command of Russian peacekeepers said that they have made the necessary conclusions in connection with the August events, at the same time assuring that they will make additional efforts to prevent similar violations in the future and to provide the proper security of the Artsakh population.

The head of the ARF Dashnaktsutyun faction in the Artsakh parliament, Artur Mosiyan, presented other details of the meeting. 

"From September 1 until the time the new route of the Lachin corridor is put into operation, a temporary dirt road will function. The peacekeepers assured us that everything will be done to ensure the safety of the people of Artsakh, which is not always possible," the deputy told NEWS.am.

Mosiyan expressed confidence that Pashinyan has reached many agreements not only on Artsakh, but also on Armenia, which, he said, is evidenced by the events of the last 1.5 years.

"The fact that Azerbaijan built its part of the new road along the Lachin corridor is a consequence of Pashinyan's agreements. The latest aggravations in Karabakh are the results of Pashinyan and his regime," said the faction's head.

The parliamentarian urged Pashinyan to reveal the details of all his agreements at once, as all the aggravations, according to his assessment, are connected with his verbal agreements and perceptions.