Categories: 2022

Armenia ex-President Serzh Sargsyan lawyer on witness not appearing in court: Person realizes he was deceived

Armenia – Aug 25 2022

We see intent in Sevan Kocharyan, a key witness in the case of third President Serzh Sargsyan and others, not appearing in the court session. Amram Makinyan, one of Sargsyan's defense attorneys, told reporters this Thursday in the courtyard of the Yerevan court where the aforesaid criminal case is being heard.

"That witness, who was the reason for the launching of this criminal case, argued that he has hearing problems. It is the third court session, being duly notified, he does not appear [in court]. I am convinced that the person realizes that he was deceived and shall come and publicly answer our questions. It will be clear to the public how this criminal case was packaged, for what [purpose], and under what conditions. People have realized that it is possible to delay a little with this evasive behavior," said the lawyer.

He noted that that during the criminal investigation of the case, the aforesaid witness was interviewed five times by the investigator. "This is a direct indicator of the falsity of this criminal case," Makinyan added.

The witnesses in this criminal case are being questioned at this phase. But witness Sevan Kocharyan did not appear at today’s court session, and therefore the court decided to reschedule this hearing.

The next court session was scheduled for September 8.

Court hearings in this criminal case are rescheduled on a regular basis.

Two other defendants in the case—Sergo Karapetyan and Samvel Galstyan—have died as a result of the coronavirus. And the charges against Serzh Sargsyan are based on Sergo Karapetyan's testimony.

According to the indictment of this criminal case, being organized by Sargsyan, pushed by Beglaryan, and assisted by former Deputy Minister of Agriculture Samvel Galstyan and Gevorg Harutyunyan, former Minister of Agriculture Sergo Karapetyan had squandered—from January 25 to February 7, 2013—AMD 489,160,310 of subsidy allocated from the government's reserve fund for the 15,391,765 liters of diesel fuel that was used during the implementation of state assistance programs.

Serzh Sargsyan has been charged under the Criminal Code article on large-scale embezzlement or squandering. The third president, however, does not accept the charge against him, and his lawyers say that this process is a political persecution against their client.

Paul Hambardsumian: