Politician: This is a watershed moment for Armenia

Armenia – Aug 25 2022
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo.. Armenia does not have such a task as spoiling or worsening relations with Russia at all. I think that an elementary calculation of our available resources  speaks in favor of this opinion. Leader of the Just Armenia Party  Norayr Norikyan expressed a similar opinion to ArmInfo.

"I believe that no one needs a new enemy in the person of Russia in  Armenia, which is already surrounded by enemies. Taking into account  our extremely limited resources, the formation of anti-Armenian  sentiments in the Russian Federation is certainly not in our  interests. It is in our interests only to set and implement the task  of regulating relations with Moscow within the red lines of Yerevan.  I have been repeating this since 2018," he said.

The politician is convinced that the task of the political elite of  Armenia, starting from the Velvet Revolution itself, should have been  to prevent Moscow from considering other countries, primarily  Azerbaijan, as an alternative strategic ally. Accordingly, given the  failure of this task, in his opinion, now the leadership of Armenia  needs to work on its mistakes. In order to understand where exactly  the errors took place.  Noting that Armenia today is in a virtual  state of external dependence, Norikyan stressed that the country has  very few alternative opportunities. In his opinion, the need to make  every effort to completely eliminate the corridor logic in the  process of providing Azerbaijan with communication routes with  Nakhichevan and Turkey comes from here.

In his opinion, the situation today is truly critical and fateful.  This is a watershed moment for Armenia.  Based on a number of  international and domestic alarms, it becomes clear that the issue of  the corridor is extremely acute for Armenia today. And the leadership  of Armenia will have to make a fateful decision.

"We see that the Pashinyan government is trying to put forward an  alternative to the corridor logic. But it is clear that the idea of a  corridor will not be abandoned so easily by Ankara or Baku. One way  or another, we should convey to the world that regardless of who is  in power in Armenia, we do not intend to agree to corridor logic. The  establishment of a corridor in Syunik means the loss of Armenian  sovereignty in relation to this region," the politician summed  up.