U.S. committed to facilitating direct dialogue between Azerbaijan and Armenia – U.S. Department of State

Armenia – Aug 26 2022
Alexandr Avanesov

ArmInfo. Vedant Patel, Principal Deputy Spokesperson, Bureau of Global Public Affairs at the US State Department, referred to the harsh response by the  Azerbaijani foreign ministry to the appointment of Philip Reeker as   US OSCE Minsk Group Co-chair.

 "And on your other question – on your question about Armenia and Azerbaijan and the appointment of Ambassador Reeker, look, the Secretary appointed him to serve as the  senior advisor for Caucasus negotiations to underscore our commitment  to facilitating peace in the South Caucasus. As a country, we are  committed to facilitating direct dialogue between Azerbaijan and  Armenia bilaterally, multilaterally, and in cooperation with  likeminded partners to achieve a comprehensive peace settlement  between the two countries. His selection underscores our commitment  to the Geneva International Discussions, where we're going to  continue to hold Russia accountable to the commitments it made under  the 2008 ceasefire. Also, as part of his diplomatic advisor role,  Ambassador Reeker will also represent the U.S. both at the OSCE Minsk  Group and at the Geneva International Discussions as I mentioned",  Patel said.

United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken appointed Ambassador  Philip T. Reeker as Senior Advisor for Caucasus Negotiations, who  will also serve as U.S. OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair.

"Attempts to 'resuscitate' the de-facto non-functioning Minsk Group  may result the USA to be estranged from the process of normalization  of Azerbaijan-Armenia relations. Karabakh conflict has been resolved  & Karabakh is an integral part of Azerbaijan," Leyla Abdullayeva,  Spokesperson for Azerbaijan's foreign office, tweeted.