Categories: 2022

Azerbaijan offended by France, US envoys for not attending conference in Shushi

Armenia – Aug 27 2022

Attempts made by someone to revive the OSCE Minsk Group are a hypocritical and shameful step, Hikmet Hajiyev, Assistant to the President of Azerbaijan, Head of the Foreign Policy Department of the Presidential Administration, said at a conference in occupied Shushi, haqqin.az reports.

According to Hajiyev, the countries that carried out the mission of the co-chairs of the Minsk Group "should be ashamed in front of the international community."

“Because, on the basis of the UN Charter and the decisions of the Security Council, these states were given a mandate by the international community to eliminate this injustice, to stop occupation and aggression. But not a single inch of Azerbaijani land was liberated from occupation, not a single citizen of Azerbaijan returned to his land. Appointing someone as a co-chair of the Minsk Group after 30 years of unsuccessful activity is just a shameful step,” Hajiyev said.

Hikmet Hajiyev also noted that representatives from all over the world are currently in Shushi: "Representatives of the countries of Europe, Asia, Latin America … Our diplomat friends and colleagues cannot hide their surprise at the restoration work carried out by Azerbaijan."

“But there are two countries that are not participating in this event, they are the US and France. We cannot understand the reason for their absence here… In the future, we will not invite them anymore… Their absence, their statements on the restoration and resuscitation of the Minsk Group once again show what mission they carried out within the framework of the 30-year negotiation process.

It is not clear, they cannot accept the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan or the reconstruction and restoration work in the city of Shusha? First of all, they must answer to the Azerbaijani people.

If they consider themselves countries friendly to Azerbaijan, they should know that Shusha is the heart of the Azerbaijani people, the city in the heart of every citizen of Azerbaijan. The fact that they did not come here once again shows what goals and what they were interested in during 30 years of negotiations,” he said.

Hovsep Chakrian: