Categories: 2022

Berdzor-Lachin mayor on Azerbaijanis breaking town sign: Let them show the world their nature, brutality

Armenia – Aug 28  2022

All displaced residents of Berdzor (Lachin) town have already settled, most of them have moved to Armenia, and four families have settled in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). Mayor of Berdzor, Artsakh, Narek Aleksanyan told Armenian News-NEWS.am about this.

"They are currently living on rent in Armenia, whereas in Artsakh they are still in hotels. The displaced persons in Artsakh will be provided with apartments; the apartments will be available by the end of next month. A certificate of compensation will be handed to all displaced people, regardless of everything," Aleksanyan added.

Referring to the fact that Azerbaijanis started committing atrocities immediately after entering Berdzor, the latter’s mayor said that such behavior was expected from them.

"I didn't expect anything else from the enemy, it is just showing its brutality, I didn't expect anything else. Let them break the [Berdzor] sign, let them show the world their nature, their brutality—even towards a sign," he said.

As per the mayor of Berdzor, according to the trilateral statement of November 9, 2020, the Berdzor, Sus, and Aghavno communities of Artsakh were to be handed over to Azerbaijan, but this was put off since the new alternative motorway was not completed yet, and only now they have been handed over.

"According to the statement of November 9, Kashatagh region [of Artsakh] should have been handed over on December 1 [of 2020]. However, as it remained in the area of the corridor, they were not handed over. Three settlements of Kashatagh region fall into the new corridor; and if [Armenian] diplomacy works well, it will be possible to settle these three settlements," he added.

On Friday, the Azerbaijani army was deployed in the Berdzor administrative capital of the Kashatagh region of Artsakh, and in its Aghavno and Sus villages. 
Artsakh is currently linked to Armenia by the old route via Berdzor, but the new route is expected to start operating at the beginning of September.

Jack Hunanian: