Categories: 2022

Iran steps up uranium enrichment with new centrifuges at Natanz – Reuters




YEREVAN, AUGUST 30, ARMENPRESS. Iran has begun uranium enrichment with new advanced centrifuges at its underground Natanz nuclear site, according to a confidential International Atomic Energy Agency report seen by the Reuters news agency.

The report said Iran is pressing ahead with its rollout of IR-6 centrifuges at the site.

IAEA inspectors verified on Sunday that Iran was feeding uranium hexafluoride (UF6) gas, the material centrifuges enrich, into the first of three cascades, or clusters, of IR-6 centrifuges installed at the Natanz underground Fuel Enrichment Plant (FEP), Reuters said, quoting from the confidential IAEA report to member states.

The centrifuges are being used “for the production of UF6 enriched up to 5% U-235” the IAEA said.

Zhanna Nahapetian: