Categories: 2022

Russia continues working with Yerevan and Baku for unblocking transportation ties – foreign ministry spox




YEREVAN, AUGUST 31, ARMENPRESS. Russia, together with Yerevan and Baku, is focused on implementing all the provisions of the trilateral agreements reached at a high level, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova said at a press briefing.

She stated that the work within the agreed trilateral formats is of substantive nature. In this context Zakharova reminded the meetings of the working group on border delimitation between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which Russia is providing a consulting support.

As for the reports on forming a working group with the mediation of the European Union, the Russian MFA Spokeswoman said that Russia has not got any information on that by the Armenian and Azerbaijani partners.

“The EU activeness in the South Caucasus is determined by geopolitical ambitions. In our opinion, it has no link with the real desire to contribute to improving the relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan. These are the fake initiatives of Europeans which are more like usurping the laurels of the mediation, with nothing underneath. We, as mediators, are working, and this work is bringing concrete results and getting respective assessment by the sides. Those who present themselves as mediators, but not being so, are just incapable of offering something”, she said.

Zakharova also commented on the recent statement of Turkish deputy minister of trade Rıza Tuna Turagay, who said that the so-called “Zangezur corridor” will open soon, citing an agreement with Russia.

“I have no information about the contacts between the Turkish ministry of trade and the Russian partners. I can only say that Russia continues the substantive work with Baku and Yerevan aimed at unblocking the transportation ties in South Caucasus, and the work implies a package solution on concrete routes. They should be based on the principles of sovereignty and respect of Armenia and Azerbaijan and should contribute to the security and economic welfare of the region”, Maria Zakharova stated.

John Hovhannisian: