Categories: 2022

Analyst: In Brussels, Artsakh’s status within Azerbaijan is being discussed behind closed doors

Armenia – Sept 1 2022

The West needs the Armenian-Azerbaijani confrontation and the Karabakh issue to be urgently resolved in negotiations with Yerevan and Baku, because in this case the peacekeepers in Artsakh as well as the Russian base in Armenia will leave the region. After that, the energy resources, including those from Central Asia, will flow freely to Europe, which will reduce its dependence on Russia. This information was reported by analyst Argishti Kiviryan when he appeared on NEWS.am during the program The Power Factor.

According to him, the West is ready for solving the aforementioned problems at any cost, including at the expense of Armenian interests.

"According to his vision, Armenia as the losing party should agree to the conditions of Baku, which will not agree to grant Artsakh a status. The West is trying to show Yerevan that it will try to persuade it to negotiate some kind of autonomy within Azerbaijan. In this sense, Pashinyan's statement that Armenia agrees to any status for Artsakh, if the security of Artsakh Armenians is ensured is quite remarkable. It's another matter that Baku doesn't want to do that either," Kiviryan added.

He believes that the issue of granting Artsakh an autonomous status within Azerbaijan is being discussed behind closed doors in Brussels. According to his assessment, Moscow wants to preserve its relations both with Yerevan and Baku, but it cannot benefit from the final solution to the conflict since in that case it would have to leave the region. It benefits from the current state.

"The interests of Moscow and Yerevan coincide in this, and a peace treaty is not on the list of priority issues for Russia. The acceleration of the process may become dangerous for Armenia and for those who will try to speed it up," the analyst believes.

He stressed that the issue of communications depends on the situation in Ukraine and elsewhere in the world.

 "Azerbaijan doesn't need these roads and checkpoints, it needs a corridor not under Armenian control. Baku openly speaks about it. By giving up the corridor, Armenia will become not even a Turkish vilayet, but an Azerbaijani district. Instead of Yerevan, which has lost its sovereignty, Russia and Iran speak in this matter, because they do not need a corridor. Moscow would not mind if the corridor were under its control. Iran wouldn't mind, either, if it also had leverage over it," Kivirian concluded.

Ani Kharatian: