Categories: 2022

Avetik Chalabyan: Struggle for final establishment of justice continues

Armenia – Sept 1 2022

Public and political figure Avetik Chalabyan was set free on Wednesday after the Armenian Court of Appeals agreed to grant him bail set at 15 million drams.

Chalabyan, a member of the opposition Consolidation Movement, was first arrested on May 13 for allegedly trying to pay university students to participate in anti-government protests in Yerevan. The oppositionist was released from custody after his detention period expired on July 27.

The judge presiding over his trial sent Chalabyan back to jail on August 3, a ruling appealed by the defense lawyers in the higher court.

The appellate court judge, Ruzanna Barseghyan, ruled on the appeal late on Wednesday.

In a statement posted on Facebook on Thursday, the opposition activist praised the judge for “resisting strong government pressure” to keep him under arrest.

Also, he thanked his lawyers for their “huge efforts”, media outlets raising violations in his case as well as all his supporters.

"Although I was released yesterday, the struggle for the final establishment of justice continues. The fabricated criminal case against me is still ongoing, and our goal will be to prove the invalidity of the charges and obtain my final acquittal, even if it takes years and great efforts in the future,” Chalabyan said.

“In a broader sense, the fight for the freedom of all political prisoners and the rule of law in our country continues. We will make every effort to support our compatriots who are suffering due to the ruling regime's unlawful conduct and to initiate legal reforms that will further reduce the possibility of arbitrariness.

“Naturally, the struggle to restore the sovereignty of our state, our shattered security and rights continues, and I will join, with renewed vigor and energy, our daily work and struggle until a real and tangible victory is achieved for all of us. To this end, in the near future I will issue a separate statement to outline my ideas and upcoming plans," reads the statement.

Alex Nanijanian: