Expert: Berdzor and Aghavno are a classic example of ethnic cleansing

Armenia – Aug 31 2022
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo.All recent events in Berdzor and Aghavno are a classic example of ethnic cleansing, in other words, an international crime. Former MP of the Armenian  parliament, lawyer Taron Simonyan, expressed a similar opinion to  ArmInfo.

On August 29, the authorities of the Republic of Artsakh disseminated  information according to which traffic along the Lachin corridor will  stop on the evening of August 31. After August 31, communication with  Armenia will be carried out through a new corridor, through the  territory of the Berdadzor sub-district of the Shushi region of the  republic. The movement along which began on the evening of August 30.  The redeployment of the Russian peacekeeping contingent is proceeding  in the same way and on time.

"And if someone thinks that all this will end with Berdzor and  Aghavno, then this someone is clearly mistaken. Azerbaijan will  continue to put pressure on us, organize various provocations and put  us before the fact until our leadership expresses a clear position  regarding specific issues. And, of course, it will not begin to act  in the direction of protecting Armenian interests. With its own  forces, by creating powerful resistance within the country, since  there is no need to rely on third forces," he is convinced.

There is certainly a similar resource within the Armenian society, in  Simonyan's opinion. It just needs to be organized and consolidated  around a common idea, backed up by a gradual build-up of  military-technical potential. According to the lawyer, peace with  Azerbaijan is possible only if Armenia becomes a normal state with  powerful institutions.

In the opinion of the lawyer, the same protection of the interests of  the deported Artsakh people is possible through legal, diplomatic,  why not, military tools. Which, again, is based on an organized  society, consolidated around one common goal, ready for a long-term  conflict.

"In the end, we have the opportunity to sue Azerbaijan for violations  of seven international conventions.  Regarding the organization of  the same ethnic cleansing in Artsakh. What is not being done,  although the facts are obvious. For example, in the form of Baku's  recent actions against residents of Armenian- populated villages of  the corridor. All this speaks of the main thing – Armenians cannot  and should not live together with Azerbaijanis," Simonyan summed  up.